Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Dear Friends,

Today is the day when we bid farewell to the year 2013 and usher in the new year 2014. The year 2013 was rather a mixed bag and it was an year where we saw green shoots and some semblance of stability emerging all over the place be it in terms of the global economic performance in both ‘Developed Economies’ as well as ‘Developing Economies’.  Some might argue that the ‘Developing Economies’ have not grown as well as expected but then it is a rather difficult task to sustain double digit GDP growth rates in today’s world where the entire global economy is intertwined and interdependent.

The Euro Zone which was on a brink of collapse in end 2012 has limped back to near normalcy in 2013. While the GDP growth rate in the Euro Zone will still contract this year, there are pockets of excellence and growth. Besides the doomsday talks of Euro Zone collapsing have shifted to the sidelines. The US market has responded well to the stimulus and there is an upsurge in the consumer spending all over. The unemployment figure at 7% is the lowest among the past many years in the US history. There was a talk about the withdrawal of the stimulus by the Fed which has led to a severe crash in the markets of the developing countries such as India and China with many investors pulling out money from these countries in the hope of getting better and safe returns at their home ground in the US.

Back home in India, 2013 was not a great year by any standards. We had issues with Current Account Deficit, Fiscal Deficit and all those vital parameters that are not good for the economy. The country will have the General Elections in mid-2014  and we need to elect a government that will address the economic ills plaguing the country and make the GDP  growth accelerate to double digit numbers. India has been ranked almost at the bottom of  the list when it comes to ‘ease of doing business’. We have to resolve issues around Land Acquisitions for projects, Speedy Environmental clearances, Carry out labor reforms in tune with modern times, develop the roads, ports and power related infrastructure. We will also at the same time need to make the environment congenial to attract FDI, stop retrospective law promulgations, initiate reforms in sectors like Financial Services and Retail. It is also imperative to make the growth ‘inclusive’ to take care of 70% of our population who stay in rural areas. We need to improve a lot in nutrition, health care and primary education kind of areas which  are the most basic indicators of a country’s development.

On the technology front we would not have imagined 3 years back that Samsung would give a run for Apple’s money in its top end phone and tablets segment ( the mobile world congress this year has coined a new term called as “Phablet” which is a mixture  of a phone plus tablet!). Apple in the post Steve Jobs era has been relegated to doing incremental innovation rather than radical innovation. Apple has been talking about Apple TV and Apple iWatch for quite some time now and Samsung was already in the market in 2013 with wearable devices such as Galaxy Gear (wearable) and Smart TV. Google has taken augmented reality to the next level with the introduction of its ‘Google Glass’. The merger of Nokia Mobile Phones with Microsoft is also a new defining moment and we might see Microsoft (which will soon get a new CEO) getting back in the market as a force to reckon with. CISCO has laid a strong foundation in the areas such as ‘Software Defined Networks’ and ‘Internet of Everything’. Kiva which is a small company based in the US has revolutionized the warehouse operations of many big retail chains by deploying armies of robots to carry out the basic tasks in the ware houses replacing human beings. The “Robotic” revolution is the way forward for countries like US which have shortage of low-skilled blue collar workers for carrying out re-shoring and getting manufacturing back to the US.

Taking a peek into the year 2014 ahead,  we will see the growth of the ‘Internet of Things’ economy in addition to the acceleration in areas such as Social, Mobile and Analytics. Analysts estimate that there will be 50 Billion connected devices by 2030 which is  a staggering number. We have firms like Google making forays in this area with the development of the OS based on Android which will eventually power refrigerators, washing machines. Air conditioners and the like. This will in effect make every electrical gadget a computer with an IP address and which can receive, process and send data. We might see the Google’s Driverless Car becoming a reality in 2014. We will see an evolution in the area of “Computers enabled by Cognitive thinking” which will use natural language processing and carry out a lot of repetitive work including basic computer programming and applications development. IBM’s Watson which won Jeopardy and also had earlier defeated the reigning world Chess Champion will start offering the APIs on the cloud so that engineers working in fields that require “Cognitive thinking and human like thinking” will leverage this by paying a small amount of fee for the cloud based access.


Best Regards,
Deepak Pelluru